woven wonders

To our final after school workshop at Riverbend!
We have covered four very distinct artistic media - collage, painting, stitching and weaving - it has been a wonderful journey as we explore different techniques for creating and hopefully we have expanded your child's artistic horrizons to experiment with new + unusual materials!
I have really enjoyed our storytime during these classes - the books have been a sensational springboard for creativity - you can almost see the 'wheels of creativity' ticking over in their minds as they ponder the subject, the illustrations, the use of colour, or just loose themselves in their imaginations! Our conversations via off on tangents, related + unrelated to the story - I love that good Literature encourages children to question, imagine and relate!
If your children have enjoyed the books we have paired with our classes, I would encourage you to purchase these through the bookstore - they will be a continual reminder of our creative endevours as well as inspire to greater creativity at home!

And now...on to the final workshop - one that I am excited about - we are weaving this week!! This project is such a wonderful introduction to the art of weaving, in particular as we talk about our Indigenous Australians relying heavily on weaving techniques to create baskets to use in their nomadic lifestyle - we will explore some wonderful work by Indigenous artists!
It is also amazing for children to connect this basic artistic skill with the clothing they are wearing - understanding how fabric is made!
Bring on Monday and the sensational woven masterpieces your children will create!!