weekend wonder

[the last flower left...]

Sometimes the timing of things....if they have to happen, can be borne with more patience than, say, well...at most other times! I am talking of sickness, arriving in our household last week in a way that meant - stop! And with the fashion series over the line and running, I have had breathing space before the next lot of decisions need to be made. If I need to curl up on the couch with a 3yr old and read 'Courdory' over and over again I am able to exhale and roll with it!
In the spaces of these days, when sickness has threatened me also, I have slowed enough for creativity to meander and catch itself in a waiting lens...

:: favourate folage - spinning gum.

:: crochet alpaca bowls after their first felting...

:: with lots of wind + cold here this week, these doors are closed and I watch the wind in the tree's outside...

:: lines...

:: 'moments'

:: building bookshelves in the girls room

:: the children set up camp outside to enjoy the sunshine!

:: 'tumbled'

:: I find that when I create...it begets creating in my children - eldest making a birthday gift for a friend.

:: excusing the lack of tripod...our sweet 'toy' eco fireplace having its first run!