weekday weave

Some beautiful images came in this week of our knitting class last Saturday! I love the joining of the two pieces of knitting - mother + child into one lovely vase!

:: lots of smiles and giggles and extreemely talented knitters... and only a little frustration!

I have been attempting to see this week 'slowly'...giving myself permission to take in new inspiration and to create. Of course this doesn't always go to plan with the 'bounce' of a 3yr old by my side but we try....!

:: the flowers from Saturday's class are opening gracefully to the light

:: Some painting and indecision...

:: then some stitching and indecision...

:: and all the while the watercolour's and that georgous brush-grip keep drawing us together.

:: when she is not offering me 'whip-balm' that is! Nothing better on these chilly days.

And when the chill indoors is greater than the warm rays of the sun outdoors, we make a pretend campfire beside the tee pee...

with the vege garden at arms length for some 'tending' and neighbour-children to chatter with...

and we watch the Australian flag flutter gently in the winter breeze to remind us of current events and we are oh so grateful for seasons of warm, slow blessing and creativity!