fashion inspiration series begins
Well it was a flurry of bookings at the last minute that carried us over the line and into the beginning of our wonderful afternoon inspiration series at Riverbend, focused on fashion design.
I can't say enough about the benefits of this short course for teenagers considering fashion as a career or perhaps just loving to draw + be inspired by the world of fashion! Mel brings a wealth of expertise and has filled out the course with loads of 'take-home' information for those who want to expand their knowledge further!
In her words, a short summary from Tuesday afternoon's class:
What a lovely group we had today as we explored Fashion Trends!
We talked about what inspires us and how this can infiltrate our designs.
We shared where we like to shop and what influences our purchases.
We discussed what and who makes Fashion Trends and how we can predict what will come into fashion.
Then we got down to creating a Mood Board (inspiration board) which we will use in the coming weeks to design to.
I was amazed that my suggested themes were quickly replaced by inspired creativity of their own!
Themes came forth such as :Vintage Ballet > Sunday > Gothic Glamour > Darkness into light > Sunset and Romance!
When asked, a few thought we would spend our time drawing sketches of fashion - it was wonderful to see these children pull back and begin to put a framework together on how to design - I sensed they were all proud of what they began to build!
I am looking forward to three more weeks of being inspired by these young designers!