strawberry picking

It is a tradition in our family to go strawberry picking with our dear friends, who come to stay with us from Cambodia each year at this time. We head to the sunshine coast, pick, eat and head to the beach for lunch and ice cream! Bliss!
This year, it seemed that the good idea had caught on - there were people at our usual haunt in droves, which of course meant that the price of strawberries was exhorbetent! Especially when you pick your own! Our children were under instruction to only pic the VERY red and only a VERY few!! Those we did pick were delicious, fresh off the rows of bushes, eaten VERY quickly sitting in the warm sunshine! It did make me a little wishful for ambling slowly through wild rows of fruit and having our children eat till they could eat no more - a romantic notion I know! Our experience was a little more 'city' and a little more commercialised, but none the less enjoyable for all...our children will still remind us with joy of our tradition next year!
Do you have any annual traditions? If you live in Brisbane, I highly recommend this one for any sunny day through until September!