Autumn Series Class Outline

This series of classes is designed for 3-5 year olds.
Parental assistance welcome for younger children.
We begin every class with a picture book relating to the theme and WEAVE this story through our making time.
Children will be INSPIRED by Great Artists and their work!
They will GROW in their knowledge of art theory.
Children will NURTURE their creativity through experimenting with quality + natural materials.
Children will leave with display + play-worthy art and a sense of WONDER in all they have learned!

'Leaf Litter' collage project
Explore the season of Autumn. In particular the texture + colour of leaf fall. Introduction to tonal colour + contrast. Using watercolour + pastel, we create unique leaf designs. Layer and play with additional texture to make unique presentation board collage.

'what do we see in Autumn'
Introduction to stitching and silhouettes class. Begin with observational drawing of what we see in Autumn. Discuss silhouettes - what is a silhouette? Complete class with introduction to stitching, either 'bird nest' or 'autumn leaf' project. Stitching presented in embroidery hoop.

'bird life' project
Talk about birds in our neighborhood, encourage observation skills. Introduction to sculpture + stamping. Using mixed media, wool, wire, feathers, clay. Experiment with making your own bird family. Using paint stamping on fabric, complete a special 'leaf litter' blanket to take your bird family home in!

'feather your nest' project.
Talk about how birds build nests, gathering, weaving. Introduction to weaving techniques, share stories of communities who weave for a living. Using wool, string, feathers, and basic weaving techniques, make a nest fit for your bird family!

'fungi forrest' project.
Enter the magic world of mushroom houses, fairies and miniture charicters. What stories can we create in our 'enchanted wood?' Using clay, wood and natural props to create a sculptural garden, perfect for imaginary play or table display!

[Please leave a comment or contact Melissa for class pricing and inclusions]