
Most of my making has an added 'research' element these days. I love the buzz of a new project, love the feeling when something new appears at my hand. In the back of my mind, I question, 'is this project one that will teach children a skill? Inspire them to their own creativity? Grow their love of Art and creating?' and such like...
Mostly though, I think as mothers, we often have these checks and balances without really being aware. We live our life as an example for the wee ones in our life to follow and as they grow, they are either inspired by or repelled by the example we set, no? Possibly a bit of both given the age and season!!
I was inspired recently by a reflection on motherhood. A daughter shared that she always loved that her mum, 'spoke of ideas and not people + things.' I want to be a mother who speaks of good ideas with my children, who inspires and encourages them to be all they can be.
With this in mind, I filter what I put my hand to...are the things that my children see me doing inspiring them or repelling them? Do I spend so much time on the computer or watching tv or on the phone in their presence that they come to resent those activities? Or do I make dinner or art or gardening or other meaningful work, and include them? Are they learning valuable life skills from my example? hmmm...
Back to the are a few pics of some of the making going on around here. I gauge the success of these projects for children by whether their interest is piqued or not!
So, watch this space for new class ideas, I will post over the coming days.

:: there was much interest in this project, a gift for a special friend - the children were all inspired to try their own felt projects - a great medium for children to learn to stitch + sew!

:: a mixed media art project in the making - curious?...

:: this time of year always inspires busy hands with wool!

:: very excited to share about this project, keep eyes peeled for post about them!

:: couldn't resist a snap of the girls mothers day creativity - french toast with pear, ricotta almonds! A decorated table too...I am so spoilt!