I promised to let you in on a little project I have been enjoying so much...it has to do with these:
A little while ago these beauties below were delivered to my door:
They are wool felted storage bowls.
I had done my research and tracked these down at an affordable price (let me tell you, many of them are not!) - I wanted to use them as storage containers on my art table - they are soft, flexible and a beautiful, natural work of art in themselves!
I then got to thinking, loving a challange as I do: what if I could make them myself?
In came my ever-resourceful mother in law for all things knitting and crochet. I asked her if she could crochet some bowls if I found a pattern? We began experimenting and she quickly came up with several beautiful crochet samples for me to felt into solid bowls.
I discovered that the felting process is a lengthy one (perhaps the reason the finished product are pricey!) but very rewarding and I am proud to say that I sported several homemade felt bowls to compliment the baught ones on the workshop art table!
My mother in law is a wizz at making them and she graciously offered to teach me. Having only just begun to crochet, I was sceptical, but did manage to get the hang of it - albeit a lot slower than my MIL can make them!! The bowl at the top is my first effort ready for felting!
Sooo, I am on my way! I have plans for classes to teach how to make these - they are beautiful storage containers around the home - great for jewelery, bathroom goods, art materials or display. I also hope to add these to our up and coming sales line and also to produce a craft kit to make your own! Such hope filled plans! One step at a time....I do LOVE them so, though! What do you think?