loving winter classes!

Our holiday classes continue this week and they have been filled to overflowing with talented, enthusiastic, creative children!
I have many more snaps of yesterday and this morning's creativity still coming but thought I'd share a few I took on my Iphone this morning...
Isn't the painting above spectacular - I am still blown away by the diversity and origionality on the same theme. Children in the acrylic + collage class were encouraged to paint an antarctic landscape, finished with collage elements. More to show soon - they were wonderful!

:: Our second class today was a repeat penguin painting and with smaller numbers, I was able to snap a few cute pics!

:: The fine motor skill developed required much concentration and resulted in a good degree of quiet - we really need some good music in our studio!

:: The cheeky wooden penguins were photographed in front of antarctic scenes created in oil pastel while the layers of paint dried on their penguins! So sweet...