Its been a long time coming, but I would love to share with you a snapshot of the creativity I come across each week on the interweb's - just condensing this wonderful resource down into bite size chunks that I hope will inspire your creative days with your family...maybe even this weekend!
This painterly porcelan found at Elke van den Berg at Confetti via bloesem blogs. A trend toward watercolour's dreaminess in the world of fashion, spilling over into homewares - even for little people...I wonder if this is a weekend collaboration I could attempt with my wee ones...?
Children love to wrap things...infact, I too have a passion for a beautifully wrapped 'thing'...and then there's architect studio TAF's upholstered furniture Soft Parcel found via Emma's designblogg that takes wrapping to a whole new playful level! hmmm, what can we tastefully wrap this weekend....!
Apples and pears....all being enjoyed in abundance in our household coming into this mild winter season of ours....a Stanthorpe apple picking day is being planned and perhaps a bit of tonal still life painting too....a bit like this from here
And I know I will be looking to get myself some of this - Lego Architecture!! The toy of my dreams - I am sure I can make it with my children and educate them on Architecture at the same time....? Or is that just an excuse....! Found at Sub_Studio Design Blog...need to track this down!
I can never go past a good dose of Geninne's painted stones...or anything she does! Perhaps over this long weekend as you collect and gather nature with your children, you might like to try some of these!
Happy Weekending x