...INSPIRE the imagination through the work of Great Artists....
..GROW knowledge through the use of age-appropriate art theory...
Just thought I would share some of the preparation that goes into the classes we design for your children! I am working on the 'Leaves' workshop at the moment and thoroughly enjoying putting together the vocabularly and inspiration that undergirds each lesson.
Some of the concepts the children will learn and we will practice and discuss are below:
Texture: the actual way a piece of artwork feels or looks like it should feel when touched.
Composition: the arrangement of the parts of a picture
Contrast: the use of opposites together, dark and light colours, rough and smooth textures.
Pattern: a repeated design or sequence
Blending: using two colours to make another ie. red + yellow = orange. Introducing the colour wheel.
Our inspiration is by ANDY GOLDSWORTHY a favourate artist who works primarily outdoors with nature. (born 1956) a British sculptor, photographer and environmentalist living in Scotland, who creates site-specific sculptures in both rural and urban settings. His art involves the use of natural and found objects to create both temporary and permanent sculptures that draw out the character of their environment.
:: Work by Andy Goldsworthy