Winter class sneek peek

Snowy winter magic sets the scene for our winter creating these holidays and both days of creating have been full and focused! Children are concentrating so hard there is often silence - very unsual! The fine motor skill required for penguin painting yesterday and the slow art of weaving today, both required a bit of extra attention - and the results were stunning - the children should be very proud of their new-found skills and beautiful artworks!

:: preparing the beautiful natural branch looms for today's class

:: oil pastels have been used to great effect on grey-winter backgrounds

:: and so the weaving begins...

:: over and under...using the great snow gum trees as colour palette inspiration!

:: age determined the degree of help each required with the younger ones finishing quickly with slightly less accuracy yet still texturally beautiful!

:: the older took to the weaving with beautiful precision and great results!

:: those finishing earlier were asked to draw their tree's, concentrating on the beautiful patterns and colours they had chosen!

:: What a tallented bunch of weavers and beautiful work!