A little book review and a story today! Nothing like deviating from the planned posts of the week when the week gets a little unexpected - there is beauty in the unexpected!

I picked up this book on a ridiculous sale recently 'One block of WOOD' by Nina Tolstrup I am having a bit of a love affair with wood of late and this book spoke to the simple art of beginning to work with a medium you have no experience with! It contains a dozen or so projects designed to get you working with wood, learning techniques and making something practical - I love it!
At the same time around here, there has been a lot of log cutting for WEAVE+WONDER classes and parties - one of our very popular classes uses a beautiful cut log as a base for 3D creating! A sweet bi-product is that our children have caught the woodworking bug and after a quick workshop set-up, have come up with some wonderful cut/nailed/glued/screwed creations - this one below is my favourite! A small theatre for little charicters!

:: this final one is a creative way to use beautiful wood off-cuts! Drill a hole through the centre of piece of wood and a hole through to meet it on the back for a nail/hook and you have a small vase! Perfect for displaying dried branches or blooms!