Its been a frantically busy week around here for all sorts of reasons and so my regular posts have been waylayed - the upside being that the class release is the last post that is lingering, excitedly...!
Bookings have been racing in and I have just caught up with the issue of invoices - so wonderful to be back in the buzz of class preparation again!
I thought I'd tell you a little story of creativity today. I would love this space to continue to become more about the sharing of inspiration and ideas on how to live a creative life in your home!
:: 'the 10m bowl'...experimenting with crochet + rope became a small bowl for littlest one's treasures - all 10 metres of rope!
We were at our little playgroup this morning - I am continually inspired by these women! Today the conversation wove itself around the subject of creativity. 'I am not creative, I mean, I can't draw or paint' one mother shared. A wonderful artist-friend and I disagreed, especially as she went on to share other passions - singing, stitching, sharing her love of puzzles with her children....
Drawing or artistic talent is one form of creativity. We also challenged that like any other skill, we may not be gifted but we can always learn!
I loved listening to the banter, the sharing of ways that each mother engages their children in their creative passions or ways their own parents or grandparents passed on creative gifts to them.... a watercolour class with a grandmother at age 10 was my artist-friend's first spark in her wonderful creative career. Another precious friend shared quality time spent with her mother learning to own story began with tinkering in my father's woodworking workshop....even shopping with your girls and teaching them to put together an outfit is a creative persuit!
Creativity really begins with discovering your passions and living them out - your own self-expression, your mark on the world! And living a creative family life involves sharing that 'spark' with your children - spend time doing puzzles, knitting, drawing or painting. Make time to tinker in the workshop or go on nature walks and collect treasures! You might be surprised what you can offer of yourself to your children, just by taking them along on your own creative wanderings!
I was certainly inspired by the richness and diversity and great intensionality I learned of in my playgroup circle today!
Happy long weekend xx
:: sliced logs are stacked in abundance around here in preparation for a weekend woodland fairy birthday party and upcoming holiday classes!
:: athletic's consumed much of this week and I was such a proud mama - even if it mean't working till midnight to make up for quality time spent!
:: loving the last of Autumn's colours in my garden [here and above]